Research Projects

Projects that I am leading () or otherwise involved in ().

Current Projects


    Integrated Analysis of Social Media and Hedonic House Prices for Neighbourhood Change
  • This research project aims to explore neighborhood changes over time and space by integrating social media data with house price models in three global case studies (UK, New Zealand, and Vietnam), focusing on the detection of housing bubbles, gentrification, and cross-cultural differences as reflected in social media and analyzed through text engineering and natural language processing.
  • CDRC

    Consumer Data Research Centre
  • The aim of the CDRC is to work with organisations to open up their data to our trusted researchers to provide solutions that drive economic growth and improve our society. More information.

Completed Projects

  • DUST

    Data Assimilation for Agent-Based Models
  • This 5-year research project, which is being funded by the European Research Council, will develop dynamic data assimilation methods for use in agent-based modelss. More information.
  • UTM-Hanoi

    Urban Transport Modelling for Sustainable Well-Being in Hanoi
  • This project aims to use computer modelling to look at how, where, and when planned transport policies in Hanoi should be implemented, what the impacts on local communities would be, whether public transport can cope, and whether there are alternatives. More information.

    Real-Time Advanced Data assimilation for Digital Simulation of Numerical Twins on HPC (RADDISH)
  • This project will perform the essential computational groundwork to allow researchers to apply data assimilation methods to coupled human-environmental systems. More information coming soon.
  • Flexible Energy

    Towards A Flexible, Sustainable Urban Energy System
  • The principal objective of this proposed project is to develop a city-scale energy demand model that is derived through spatial microsimulation models (MSMs) and agent-based models (ABMs) of people’s presence and their daily activities (e.g. commuting, shopping, education, leisure, etc.) at high resolution. More information coming soon.
  • covid19-crime

    Reducing the Unanticipated Crime Harms of COVID-19 Policies
  • This project will analyse emerging crime data to better understsand the impact that COVID-19-related policies are having on crime rates. For more details see the project website.
  • N8 PRP

    N8 Policing Research Partnership: Data Analytics
  • The Data Analytics strand will collaborate with police and academic partners to support data sharing, analysis, and use. More information.
  • surf

    Simulating Urban Flows
  • The aim of surf is to create a simulation that is capable of modelling the individual movements of people in an urban environment as they undertake their daily routine activities. Ultimately, the results will be used to quantify the impacts of levels of crime and pollution on citizens. More information.

    Improved policy to mitigate pollutant and inactivity related health burdens through new big data
  • The aim of the HABITS project is to design improved policy to mitigate pollutant and inactivity related health burdens through new big data opportunities. More information.
  • GeoCrimeData

    Exploring Geospatial Data for Crime Analysis
  • A project that explored methods for using existing geospatial data and making it useful for crime analysis. Funded as part of the JISC GeoSpatial Infrastructure programme. More information.
  • ITRC

    Infrastructure Technology Research Consortium
  • ITRC is a consortium of seven leading UK universities, investigating ways to improve the performance of infrastructure systems in the UK and around the world. Our research is helping businesses and policymakers to explore the risk of infrastructure failure and the long term benefits of investments and policies to improve infrastructure systems.
  • KEOS

    An Exploratory Knowledge Exchange Platform for Policing
  • This collaborative project will draw together a large dataset of over 10 years police recorded crime data and conduct a large-scale spatio-temporal data analysis in an attempt to identify clusters and explain differences in the distribution of acquisitive crimes across cities in West Yorkshire.