ECTQG 2017 - Keynotes and a call for sessions

The organisers of the European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG) 2017, to be held in York, UK, from 7-11 September, are pleased to announce the conference keynote presenters and publish a call for sessions.

Our keynote presenters will be:

  • Sir Alan Wilson
  • Prof Alison Heppenstall
  • Prof Anne Vernez-Moudon
  • Prof Chris Brunsdon

For more details and biographies, please see:

We are also pleased to announce a call for Organised Sessions. Topics for sessions can cover any aspect of quantitative and theoretical geography, but we are particularly interested in those that reflect the conference themes. To organise a session, you will need to submit a session title, abstract, and the names of the authors and titles of the papers that will be presented the session. You can organise multiple sessions if you would like to.

If you would like to organise a session, please email Michelle Morris ( or Nick Malleson ( with the session title, abstract, and paper titles.